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Maloney: Our Economy Can’t Afford the GOP Budget

WASHINGTON Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) today released the following statement on the Republican budget resolution:

“This is a budget that our economy cannot afford. People will lose their jobs. People will lose their health care. People will lose college aid. It is wrong for our country.

“The budget actually increases taxes on typical working families by $2,000. It cuts Medicare by $431 billion over 10 years, and Medicaid by half a trillion. It cuts agriculture programs by $300 billion, much of which likely will come out of food assistance programs that help working families afford to eat.

“The GOP budget snatches health care away from 16 million Americans and disinvests in education, reducing college Pell grants by $85 billion, making college even more unaffordable. It denies immigration reform and guts funding for infrastructure, slashing it by $235 billion over 10 years.

“And even with all of these damaging cuts, it still doesn’t balance the budget, as the other side claims. It’s a fundamentally dishonest document. Our economy cannot afford it.”

