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Heinrich Delivers Floor Speech on Republican Budget that Fails American Families

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, delivered a speech on the Senate floor today criticizing the Republican budget proposal for neglecting those who need relief the most. Instead of improving economic growth or raising wages, the plan would give the wealthiest among us significant tax breaks.

“I rise to oppose this deeply flawed budget that is bad for America and especially harmful to working families,” said Ranking Member Heinrich. “The Republican plan we face today is a budget-busting first step toward issuing massive tax breaks to special interests and wealthy individuals. This proposed budget fails to improve economic growth or to drive up wages.”

Click here to watch the remarks online.

Ranking Member Heinrich also highlighted that the Republican plan would give massive tax cuts to the wealthy that would take typical families in the U.S. 12 years of work to match: 

“Under this Republican plan, the top 0.1 percent will receive a tax cut of more than $700,000 next year. It would take the typical household in New Mexico nearly 15 years of work, 15 years of earning, just to match the giveaway being provided to a single wealthy investor under this budget. That’s not just wrong. That is downright sickening.”


 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.