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Heinrich Statement on July Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced 209,000 jobs were added in July:

"After nearly eight months on the job, President Trump has failed to come up with a cogent plan to create good-paying jobs and increase wages. As a result, wages are barely exceeding inflation, and more than 100,000 workers have been laid off as companies continue to close American operations and ship jobs overseas.

“The economic uncertainty created by the chaos and dysfunction of this administration is holding back America’s economic future. Our country’s working families deserve a better deal and a brighter economic future, not the same old recycled ideas aimed solely at boosting corporate profits."

Joint Economic Committee Democratic staff are comparing job growth each month to the average in the late 1990s (a boom time in the economy), but also to the best individual month each series has ever seen. Click here to follow our job tracker.

 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.