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JEC Chairman Heinrich on the Economic Report of the President

Washington, D.C.—Today, Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement after the Council of Economic Advisers released the annual Economic Report of the President (the Report).

Per statute, the JEC provides an annual response and recommendations to the Report.

“President Biden’s administration and Congressional Democrats have fought to pass some of the strongest legislation in decades to help bolster our economy, support American workers, and lower costs for families. This year’s Report accurately highlights the strength of our economic recovery.

“This year’s Report also details the work that still needs to be done to build an economy that delivers for everyone, not just the wealthy. That includes increasing the supply of affordable housing, supporting global supply chains, and accelerating the transition to clean energy. Through this work we can leave the next generation with a better economy—where more people have a ticket to the middle class, where parents can afford to provide opportunities for their children to thrive in their home communities, where entrepreneurs can grow their businesses, and where workers can retire with stability and peace of mind.

“I look forward to releasing the Joint Economic Committee’s full and detailed response to the report in the coming weeks.”



About Chairman Martin Heinrich

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich has served the people of New Mexico in the United States Senate since 2012. In addition to his role as Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, Heinrich also serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration on the Senate Appropriations Committee, and as a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Prior to his election to the U.S. Senate, Heinrich served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, four years as an Albuquerque City Councilor, as New Mexico’s Natural Resources Trustee, and in AmeriCorps with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


About the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee

The U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee is Congress’s bicameral economic think tank. It was created when Congress passed the Employment Act of 1946. Under this Act, Congress established two advisory panels: the President's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) and the JEC. Their primary tasks are to review economic conditions and to recommend improvements in economic policy. Chairmanship of the JEC alternates between the Senate and House every Congress.