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Heinrich Statement on April Jobs Report

Statement released following Department of Labor annoucement

Key Points:
Department of Labor announced 164,000 jobs were added in April.
Many American families are still not seeing wage increases.
Workers have experienced little wage growth.
Corporate stock buybacks aren’t what working Americans need.
We should be investing in job training and education, our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and ensuring our health care system improves.
JEC Democratic staff are holding Trump accountable on this promise and his promise to be “the greatest jobs President [ever]” on our jobs tracker.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced 164,000 jobs were added in April:

“Many American families are still not seeing wage increases and are struggling to make ends meet. After voting to blow up the debt by nearly $1.9 trillion to pass tax cuts for the wealthy, now some of my Republican colleagues are publicly admitting that American workers will largely see no benefit from their tax law. There have been more than $390 billion in share buybacks announced since the passage of the tax bill, while workers have experienced little wage growth.

“Corporate stock buybacks aren’t what working Americans need. Instead, we should be investing in job training and education, our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, and ensuring our health care system improves in order to build upon the progress our economy has made since the Great Recession. We have to make sure that families all across the country have financial security and stability, and see their wages grow.”

President Trump promised American families that they would see a $4,000 annual raise after the tax plan; so far, average weekly wages have increased $11.69. JEC Democratic staff are holding Trump accountable on this promise and his promise to be “the greatest jobs President [ever]” on our jobs tracker here.


For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.