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Maloney Echoes Warren Buffett: Don't Bet Against America

February Jobs Report Extends Record Streak of Job Growth

WASHINGTON –Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Ranking Democrat Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.), issued the following statement Friday after the Department of Labor announced that the economy added 230,000 private-sector jobs in February and the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.9 percent. February marked the 72nd consecutive month of private-sector job growth, the longest streak on record.

“The jobs indicator arrow continues to point skyward.  The creation of 230,000 jobs last month is ample evidence that, as Warren Buffett says, you shouldn’t bet against America.

"This record of consistent growth, however, does not mean our work is done. We know that many Americans are still struggling to regain the economic status they held before the Great Recession. That’s why Congress should step in to help the economy grow even more by investing in infrastructure, coming to grips with our broken immigration system, increasing the minimum wage and making higher education more affordable.

“The pace of the recovery here in the United States outstrips the pace in most other advanced nations. With smart investments and responsible policies, we can continue to lead the world in ensuring that the economy works for everyone, not just those at the top.”