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Ranking Member Maloney on the latest Department of Labor jobs report, showing the economy added 158,000 jobs in January and the unemployment rate edged down to 4.9 percent, for the 71st consecutive month of private-sector job growth:
“The pace of job creation in January and the slight dip in the unemployment rate are welcome news given the turbulence of the global economy and the financial markets. Inflation remains low, wages are starting to pick up and gasoline is relatively cheap. But still-struggling American families could use some help from Congress, which has done so little to reinforce the economic gains we have made since the depths of the Great Recession..."

Feb 02 2016

Obama Recovery Reaches Across the States

44 States and D.C. Saw Private-Sector Job Gains in 2015

All but six states experienced private-sector job gains for the year ending December 31, 2015, and unemployment declined in 42 states and the District of Columbia over the same period, according to a JEC report out Tuesday.“The Obama recovery touched almost every corner of these great United States in 2015, with businesses adding 2.6 million jobs last year,” said Ranking Member Maloney.

Jan 12 2016

Maloney Says Economy is Strong

Economic Rebound “Impressive” in Advance of Obama’s Last State of the Union

In advance of the President’s last State of the Union address, Joint Economic Committee Ranking Member Carolyn B. Maloney (N.Y.) Tuesday said the economic recovery -- from what former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke called the “worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great Depression” – has been “impressive”.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced Friday that the economy added 292,000 nonfarm jobs in December. The unemployment rate remained steady at 5.0 percent.

“The December jobs report is a fine way to end a year that saw 12 months of job growth," Ranking Member Maloney said. "The Obama economy is clearly expanding.
The most recent edition of the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Democrats’ State Economic Snapshots shows that private-sector employment increased in 35 states and the District of Columbia in November. “We don’t need statisticians to tell us that many people are not benefiting from our economy and more work needs to be done to ensure that they do,” saidRanking Member Maloney. “But the latest data show that the economy is still improving and the picture is much brighter today than when President Obama took office.”
Ranking Member Maloney: “This rate increase, after six years of a zero percent interest rate, underscores just how far the economy has come from the depths of the Great Recession and reflects confidence that the objectives of maximum employment and price stability will be achieved."
“Today’s job report reinforces the stability of our economy, after seven long years digging ourselves out of the Bush-era recession. The fact that the Federal Reserve is even considering raising short-term interest rates for the first time in almost a decade is indication itself that President Obama’s economic policies have been a success.”

WASHINGTON – Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Ranking Democrat Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., issued the following statement Friday after the House and Senate approved a $305 billion transportation funding plan that included reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank charter.

“American exporters can breathe a sigh of relief now that Congress has agreed to reauthorize the expired Export-Import Bank charter as part of the transportation bill. Once again, U.S businesses can obtain the loans, loan guarantees and insurance policies that will not only increase their export opportunities but will help create more jobs for American workers.

“The bank’s charter should never have been allowed to expire in the first place as a sop to the extreme right wing of the Republican Party. That unilateral disarmament put us at a distinct disadvantage compared to our foreign competitors, whose export credit agencies continued to help their businesses claim a larger share of the world market.

“I urge the Export-Import Bank to resume operations as quickly as possible so that U.S. businesses that relied on the bank can get on with the business of exporting their goods and creating new jobs.”


Read about the role of the Export-Import Bank here.

Ranking Member Carolyn B. Maloney criticized Republican efforts to hamstring the Federal Reserve's ability to independently conduct monetary policy.

Nov 24 2015

October Economic Data Show Employment Up in 42 States

Average Hourly EArnings Up in 47 States Over Past Year

Ranking Member Maloney said Monday a Democratic analysis of the economic recovery in all 50 states shows that private-sector employment rose in 42 states and the District of Columbia in October while the unemployment rate declined in 32 states and the District of Columbia. The state-by-state findings, released each month, also show that average hourly earnings, adjusted for inflation, increased in 47 states over the past year.