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Although this ‘on-demand’ and ‘gig’ economy presents interesting ways to leverage new technologies that better align with the demands of a global marketplace, contingent workers also face unique challenges that could leave them more vulnerable. The CWS would provide policymakers with important data about the size and characteristics of the contingent workforce as well as its access to benefits and basic labor protections. We must better understand the contingent workforce so we can build an economy of the future that will work for all.
The Joint Economic Committee Democrats announced the release of a new state-by-state analysis outlining the disastrous impact the GOP healthcare plan will have on Americans across the country. For each state, the analysis shows anticipated increases in premiums, the number of people losing private-coverage, and the increased cost of uncompensated care to hospitals.
Ranking Member Martin Heinrich (D-NM) announced today the release of a new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee Democrats detailing the failures of the infrastructure plan introduced by Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. The report finds that Trump’s proposal ignores critical areas of infrastructure need, costs more, delivers fewer jobs and wastes taxpayers’ money by handing out tax breaks to finance projects that would have happened anyway.
Democratic staff members of the Joint Economic Committee in Congress released a 50-state study of the bill last week that determined more than 129,000 people in Wisconsin would lose their health insurance next year — purchased either through their employer or the private marketplace — under the GOP overhaul.

A new analysis by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee found the Republican plan would provide the wealthy an average of $207,390 more per year in after-tax income while low-income families would lose $205 a year. “The Republican plan would mean a restaurant worker pays more for their health care so that a hedge fund manager can get a six figure tax break. That’s unconscionable,” said a statement from Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., the ranking member of the Joint Economic Committee.
President Trump’s proposal irresponsibly robs $54 billion from vital job-creating programs Americans rely on every day. Across-the-board budget cuts to programs for education and job training, infrastructure investment, and science and technological research will make it harder to secure an economic future that works for all Americans.
Ranking Member Martin Heinrich (D-NM) announced today the release of new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee Democrats outlining why the Republican healthcare plan’s emphasis on health savings accounts (HSAs) won’t help the 24 million Americans losing their health coverage if Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with the flawed American Health Care Act.
I want to be clear about what the Federal Reserve’s decision to raise interest rates today does: it pulls the rug out from under job and wage growth. After decades of stagnation, American workers have only begun to see wages grow overall in the recent few years, though job and wage growth has yet to return to many parts of the country.