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Today’s jobs numbers show there are still challenges ahead that this administration must address. President Trump and Republicans should focus on job creation and raising wages. The success of our economy will be tied to whether we take the bold steps necessary to connect people with the opportunities that will exist tomorrow and help grow the earnings of America’s middle class. A lot of work remains to be done to ensure that all of us have a shot at getting ahead.
"Today’s jobs numbers show there are still challenges ahead that this administration must address," the Joint Economic Committee's top Democrat Senator Martin Heinrich told The New York Times. "President Trump promised that he would be 'the greatest jobs producer that God ever created.' Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee will hold him to this promise."
The top Democrat on the committee, Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, ignored the new jobless rate and focused instead on the disappointing payroll gain. “Today’s jobs numbers show there are still challenges ahead that this administration must address,” Mr. Heinrich said. “President Trump promised that he would be ‘the greatest jobs producer that God ever created.’ Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee will hold him to this promise.”
Women in Alabama earn about 76 percent of the pay men earn in a year, according to a new wage gap analysis published by the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee. Nationally, the gap is 80 percent. The report ranks Alabama's gender wage gap at 39th out of all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Median earnings for women in Alabama are $34,310 per year, versus men's $45,057.
On Tuesday, Joint Economic Committee Democrats released an analysis finding that “taxpayer money spent on Donald Trump’s vacations since January 2017 could have paid for child care for 2,338 kids in Mississippi (with the lowest child-care costs) or 521 kids in the District of Columbia (with the highest child-care costs). Instead of paying for President Trump’s vacations, taxpayers could have sent 3,140 students to college in Wyoming (with the lowest in-state tuition) or 815 students to college in New Hampshire (with the highest in-state tuition) this year.”
Ranking Member Martin Heinrich (D-NM) announced today Joint Economic Committee Democrats’ response to President Trump’s budget proposal. The so-called “America First” budget actually puts millions of Americans last by calling for a $54 billion cut non-defense discretionary agencies and programs which are vital to securing an economic future that works for all Americans.