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Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee — led by ranking member Sen. Martin Heinrich (N.M.) — will release two reports Thursday knocking Trump over his "broken promises" to rural communities and working-class families. The Democrats argue Trump has hurt families by undermining innovation, rolling back worker protections and making it harder to save for retirement. "By tilting the playing field further towards corporate interests, President Trump is stacking the deck against America's working families," says the report, a copy of which was obtained in advance by The Hill.
Senate Democrats, including Sen. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, questioned Trump’s priorities in the proposed tax cuts. Heinrich called the proposal “a wish list for big corporations and his wealthy friends.” “Democrats and Republicans all agree our tax code should be reformed, but this certainly doesn’t pass the test,” said Heinrich, the ranking Democrat on the House-Senate Joint Economic Committee. “This proves that President Trump has no intention of reaching across the aisle to build consensus on reforms both parties can support.”
It took almost 100 days for President Trump to release a one-page tax proposal that reads like a wish list for big corporations and his wealthy friends. This outline lacks detail on how any of these many tax giveaways will be paid for. While President Trump continues to hide his tax returns, we can assume he is proposing to give himself tens of millions of dollars in tax breaks, rather than help struggling families to get ahead.
Also looking to help benefit the U.S. economy is U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), who released a report suggesting reduced wait times at ports of entry (POEs) in the United States. As ranking member of the Senate Joint Economic Committee, Heinrich released Economic Impact of Understaffing U.S. Ports of Entry, the April minority staff report suggesting that additional staff could help decrease the “long and unpredictable border wait times” that happen as trade and travelers move through U.S. POEs.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats today released the “March Economic Snapshot of the States,” which tracks state economic performance, families’ economic security, how well states are preparing for economic future with investments in people’s health and learning, and the costs of living that weigh on working families’ minds.
New Mexico ports of entry are processing the second fastest-growing goods volume in the country. Instead of throwing taxpayers’ money at President Trump’s border wall, we should make smart investments with the goal of improving our economy and facilitating new lawful trade through our ports of entry. I will keep fighting for common-sense policies that keep our nation safe and secure, and ensure our border communities in New Mexico prosper from their unique bi-national culture and economy.
Building a wall and making hardworking American families foot the bill through tariffs or trade wars is simply not a viable policy and doesn’t reflect the security needs of our border communities or our economy. Instead of throwing taxpayers’ money at President Trump’s border wall, we should make smart investments to improve infrastructure on the border with the goal of enhancing security, improving transportation safety for local families commuting around the region and facilitating new lawful trade through New Mexico’s ports of entry.