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Yet the effects of high-quality, affordable child care are vastly beneficial, and a report released exclusively to Glamour on Thursday by the Democratic staff of the Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), titled "The State of Child Care in America," proves it. Aside from increasing both employment and education opportunities for mothers, access to top-caliber child care correlates with an increase in earnings for a woman throughout her career. This is particularly true for low-income mothers who stand to earn an additional $90,000 over the course of their careers if they have access to child care.
A report from the Democratic staff of the Congress Joint Economic Committee that was released solely to Glamour on Thursday, entitled "The State of Child Care in America," proves that much to be true. The report showed that, as mentioned, single working mothers spend upwards of 25 percent of their income on child care, with costs sometimes totaling 50 percent of a woman's entire paycheck. And while the White House likes to claim that Trump's tax plan will provide some much-needed relief for families, in the form of a child care tax credit, it simply isn't enough.
As a parent of two children, I know firsthand that families in New Mexico and across the U.S. need access to affordable, high-quality child care. Child care is critically important to millions of families, regardless of income level, and they deserve to know their children are in a safe environment while they go to work or earn a degree.
Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its jobs report on hiring in April, showing over 16 million private sector jobs were created during the past 86 months. These numbers continue to indicate the success of a growing economy inherited by President Trump. Instead of building off of this growth handed to him by his predecessor, we have yet to see any clear plan on creating jobs and raising wages from the President or Congressional Republicans.
But Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), ranking member of the Joint Economic Committee, said Friday’s figures “continue to indicate the success of a growing economy inherited by President Trump.” “Instead of building off of this growth handed to him by his predecessor, we have yet to see any clear plan on creating jobs and raising wages from the president or congressional Republicans," Heinrich said.
I am extremely disappointed that House Republicans voted to pass TrumpCare, a bill that would be a disaster for millions of hard-working American families who will be left without coverage and others paying more for less care. TrumpCare will take away protections for people with pre-existing conditions and offer as a replacement underfunded high-risk pools – where they will likely receive limited coverage and face higher costs.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats today released three reports on the dangerous threats TrumpCare poses to Americans across the country. The findings in these reports conclude that the latest Republican bill would make it harder for rural Americans to obtain health insurance; cut funding used for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs); and limit access to and increase costs for mental health services.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet today on the state of retirement in the United States as Republicans attempt to pass Congressional Review Act legislation making it harder for Americans to save for retirement. Far too many workers do not have access to a retirement savings plan through their employer and many earn too little to save. The fact sheet details that more than 30 percent of workers do not have access to retirement benefits through their employer, and nearly 70 percent of the lowest-paid workers do not have access to a retirement plan.
President Trump’s choice to head the SEC – an independent agency charged with making sure Wall Street is kept in check – is not the enforcement cop that hard-working Americans and our recovering economy need at this moment. Quite the opposite. Mr. Clayton has been instrumental in helping the banking industry avoid regulators and game the system in their favor. If confirmed, I believe he would continue to put the interests of Wall Street first.