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Democrats in the Joint Economic Committee say that Trump is “likely doing economic harm” by “flaunting the laws and conventions of good governance that made the United States a cornerstone of the global economy” in a staff report. The report, called “The Costs of Corruption to the American Economy,” includes as specific examples the president implementing policies that specifically help his business interests (such as rolling back Clean Water Act protections), regularly visitinghis commercial real estate properties and clubs in ways that give them publicity and thus increase their revenue and being awarded Chinese trademarks at the same time that he began to honor the “One China” policy.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a new report today on the economic costs of corruption. Although corruption is not a concept we are familiar with discussing in the context of the contemporary American politics, President Trump has begun to undermine the norms and institutions that enable not only our democracy to function, but also our economy.
A new report, “Understanding the Economic Challenges in Rural America,” finds that declining population, limited employment opportunities, an education gap, and lack of public investment pose serious challenges to the economic vitality of rural communities. These communities also face a series of structural challenges, such as geographic remoteness and insufficient infrastructure.
Today’s score from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirms again just how catastrophic TrumpCare could be for millions of American families. TrumpCare would strip 14 million of their health insurance next year and 23 million by 2026, all to give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. That’s reckless and inexcusable. Americans deserve far better than this disaster of a bill that would be harmful to our economy and our communities.
Brown, a Democrat, mounted an attack on two fronts he said would hurt veterans and millions of others: The House Republican healthcare plan and President Trump’s budget. Estimates of Impact on Ohio in 2018 per the Joint Economic Committee Democratic staff: Increase in Premiums, $550; No. Losing Private Coverage, 292,982; Increased Cost of Uncompensated Care to Hospitals, $263,684,124
U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, held a press conference today with U.S. Senators Al Franken (D-Minn.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), and Tom Udall (D-N.M.), to discuss the harmful impact TrumpCare will have in rural America where communities have long faced challenges with access to affordable health care insurance and services. The senators were joined by National Association of Rural Health Clinics President John Gill and New Mexico Radiologist Dr. Robert Rosenberg.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a new report today on the damaging impact TrumpCare would have on rural America. Instead of focusing on improving health care delivery in rural America, House Republicans passed a bill that will only make it harder to access affordable, quality health services in rural communities across the country.
President Trump’s budget does nothing but abandon the hard working Americans and rural communities he promised to fight for, while providing tax breaks to the wealthy. This proposal stacks the deck against the most vulnerable Americans and cuts $3.6 trillion from critical investments in families, communities, and industries that will create the jobs of the future. This budget would slash Medicaid for working Americans and seniors, cut economic development for rural communities, and restrict access to affordable food for low-income families.
Last week, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, a Democrat from New Mexico and ranking member of the Joint Economic Committee, conducted a teleconference to discuss the challenges facing rural America and what policies can help promote economic growth and new opportunities in these communities.