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Joint Economic Committee Democrats today released the second episode of “Opportunity Agenda,” a podcast that furthers the conversation on how to build an economic future where all American families have a fair shot at getting ahead. Episode 2, “Prioritizing Health Care in Rural America,” focuses on improving access to health care in rural communities. The podcast also highlights the importance of a bipartisan approach in Congress to make high-quality health care more affordable. The episode features Charlie Alfero, CEO of the Southwest Center for Health Innovation in Silver City, New Mexico.
U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement today after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a preliminary score of Graham-Cassidy. Although not able to provide point estimates on health insurance coverage and premium increases at this time, the CBO concluded that millions fewer people will have insurance that covers high-cost medical events and Medicaid will be cut by $1 trillion over a decade:
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a report today that underscores the importance of high-quality, universal pre-K in meeting the needs of working families and setting all children on the path to succeed. Unfortunately, high-quality programs are out of reach for many American families—half of preschool-aged children are not enrolled in formal education. It is critical that all working families have access to high-quality pre-K.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats in a new report are calling for universally accessible, high-quality pre-K and programs that cover the entirety of parents’ working hours.
A report released Friday by a group of congressional Democrats touts the benefits of universal prekindergarten for children and working families. The report comes the day after Democrats in the House and Senate unveiled the Child Care for Working Families Act, which is designed to make child care more accessible.
The American people need to see concrete action from the Trump administration on raising wages and creating good paying jobs. After eight months with no clear jobs plan or infrastructure plan, Republicans in Congress and President Trump are now peddling a partisan tax plan that would give massive tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest among us, while providing no support or relief to working families.
As the nation prepares to celebrate Labor Day, Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet today on the lack of job and income security for workers facing unpredictable schedules. Millions of workers start each week not knowing when they will work or how much they will earn. About one in six workers have irregular work schedules, working split or rotating shifts, or shifts assigned on an on-call basis.
But supporters of the monuments argue that there is economic value in preserving the land. The Arizona monuments bring economic benefits to the state, according to a report by Democrats on the congressional Joint Economic Committee. Since Ironwood Forest was designated a national monument in 2000, the total employment in the surrounding counties has increased yearly by an average of 7,184 jobs, the report said. In 2015, travel and tourism jobs made up 20 percent of total private employment in the surrounding region, according to the report.