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“Despite inheriting a strong and resilient economy, the President and Republicans in Congress decided to do absolutely nothing to improve the lives of working Americans in 2017. Real wages only grew by 0.2 percent last year from the election through November. Almost one in five children currently live in poverty, and yet Republicans have failed to fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Nearly 800,000 young people who contribute to our economy have their immigration status hanging in the balance because Republicans refuse to bring the DREAM Act to a vote.
The universal preschool movement hit peak momentum under the Obama administration but has been virtually unaddressed by President Donald Trump. Instead, Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump has dabbled with policies aimed at tackling child care costs. A report by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee in Congress this year indicated that less than half of the nation’s 3- and 4-year-olds were in a pre-K program, ranging from 75 percent in Washington, D.C., to just 30 percent in Idaho. The programs vary in quality and structure, with some offering just a few hours a week of learning sessions and others that are more similar to a full school day.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a report today highlighting how the partisan agenda pushed by President Trump and Congressional Republicans has made 2017 a difficult year for working Americans. The report also details how nearly one year into the Trump presidency, Republicans have failed to take any action to address the nation’s most urgent needs, such as infrastructure and the opioid crisis, despite repeated promises.
Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee — led by Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) — are releasing a report detailing Republicans' "worst" of their first year under a unified GOP government. "This year was marked by complete failure by Republicans in Congress to help the working Americans who need it the most. Instead, Republicans and the Trump administration have made partisan moves to endanger the economic security of families across this country," Heinrich said.
Today Republicans have made it clear where their priorities stand. They’ve abandoned working American families while recklessly blowing up the deficit in order to reward their wealthy friends and corporations with a tax cut that they do not need. When this legislation is fully implemented, millions of middle-class families will face a tax increase.
The report, “Republican Agenda Threatens Market Stability, Puts Main Street at Risk,” highlights that market valuations are extremely high right now, which creates risk that a large correction could trigger a widespread economic downturn. Rather than mitigating this risk, Republicans have appointed hostile regulators, defunded agencies that monitor and address risk, and fostered a climate of uncertainty.
The Republican plan has its priorities backwards. It focuses on the top and assures everyone else that benefits will trickle down to them. But the reality is that nearly 28 million working families across the country will face a tax increase within 10 years. And in New Mexico, more than 200,000 families with earnings under $74,000 will see their taxes go up. It would take the typical household in New Mexico nearly four years of work just to match the giveaway being provided to a single wealthy person under this tax plan.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet today that highlights the economic impact of rural DACA recipients. Dreamers play an important role in rural areas, where their economic contributions can help towns get back on their feet after years of slow economic growth. In rural America, these estimated tens of thousands of young people are part of the answer to building sustainable economies in small towns across the country.