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Democrats’ A Better Deal plan will open new opportunities for millions of Americans to get back into the labor force and connect with good-paying jobs. While the low headline unemployment rate in 2017 suggests that the U.S. economy is operating at full employment—the maximum rate thought not to spark inflation—a closer analysis of the labor market data reveals that millions of Americans have fallen to the wayside.

Sep 01 2017

On-Call, Without Pay

On-call scheduling also makes it more difficult to plan for child care, elder care, transportation and other arrangements that would allow employees to go to work while balancing their other responsibilities. Being required to call in an hour before their shift to see if they are needed prevents workers from doing anything else with their day, including furthering their education or seeking wages elsewhere.
These fact sheets focus on the economic benefits of national monuments to their surrounding communities ahead of the Trump administration’s decision to propose removing designation in whole or in part from national monuments. The fact sheets include newly designated national monuments, marine national monuments, and others under review.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet on increasing access to registered apprenticeships and quality work-based learning programs. By doubling federal investments in apprenticeship programs, millions of Americans could fill the middle and high-skilled jobs openings that exist today and in the future. Despite their proven track record of success, only approximately 505,000 apprentices are utilizing existing Department of Labor registered programs today.
United States public lands are a cherished aspect of American heritage, and a key contributor to local economies. With their stunning views and unmatched recreational opportunities, national parks and public lands attract visitors, support jobs and drive economic growth in communities across the country. Rural economies in particular benefit from proximity to public lands.
Instead of focusing on improving health care delivery in rural America, Senate Republicans passed a bill that will only make it harder to access affordable, quality health services in rural communities across the country.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released an overview of today’s non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score of the Senate TrumpCare bill, which finds that 22 million people will lose insurance by 2026 compared with the current law. The summary explains what the CBO analysis of the Senate TrumpCare bill would mean for Medicaid enrollees, older and low-income Americans, and those with substance abuse disorders and pre-existing conditions.
The Senate version of TrumpCare once again helps the wealthiest at the expense of hardworking American families while putting corporate executives back in charge of Americans’ health care. The bill reverses the progress made in expanding access to, and containing costs of, health care.
Senate Republicans continue to tout a health care bill that will only prove to be disastrous for millions of Americans around the country. By cutting funds to Medicaid, TrumpCare threatens rural hospitals, risks damage to rural economies, and endangers the livelihoods of the families that live in these communities. If Congress wants to get serious on supporting rural America, here are ten ways they can:
Ahead of Father’s Day, Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet today underscoring the need for affordable, high-quality child care and parental leave. The fact sheet examines the crucial family-friendly policies needed to lift up all American families, including mothers, children and fathers alike.