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Republican proposals on debt prioritization would not prevent a U.S. default on its bills, but would likely cause major legal, administrative, and economic disruption. Debt prioritization involves paying some federal bills ahead of others. It’s the Republican answer to get around the default crisis they are creating by refusing to raise the debt ceiling. House Republicans’ so-called Default Prevention Act would codify this reckless approach and prioritize foreign bondholders over funding vital government programs for seniors, veterans, and basic government functions. The plan would be unworkable for the Treasury, invite legal challenges that would disrupt payments, and put the country’s credit rating at risk.
Republican lawmakers in the House are holding the economy hostage, threatening a default on existing debt obligations unless their vague but dangerous conditions are met. Instead of negotiating responsibly, they keep changing their demands—yet one thing remains constant: Republicans want to drastically cut the programs that help children, families, and communities across the country.
The GOP Default on America Act’s 22% spending cut would slash nearly $17 billion in funding for federal law enforcement, courts, and prisons that support public safety. Republicans are gambling with Americans’ safety by threatening to not raise the debt limit.
The United States has some of the most diverse wildlife and habitats on Earth. Conserving this biodiversity is imperative to the health of our planet.

The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act (RAWA) would protect America’s biodiversity through proactive conservation, keeping thousands of animals from being listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). By investing in RAWA, the United States can avoid costly species recovery efforts and continue to support habitat restoration efforts, reaping environmental and economic benefits. RAWA would also support the wildlife and outdoor recreation industries that provide economic opportunities in many rural and Tribal areas.
Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases national and state-level data on U.S. employment, which provide useful information about the state of the labor market and progress toward building a better America. See March's state jobs data here.
Congressional Democrats and the Biden administration are focused on making our tax code work better for all Americans. Currently, parts of the tax system reward wealth over work and allow the richest Americans to avoid paying their fair share. Despite these challenges, the Inflation Reduction Act took important steps to make the tax code more equitable, streamline how Americans file their taxes, and focus audits on wealthy tax cheats. After years of underfunding, the Inflation Reduction Act provided the resources necessary for the IRS to improve taxpayers’ experience and make sure that the tax code rewards work, not wealth.