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Military bases and other defense assets face substantial risks from climate change in the United States and across the world. This year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill from the Senate addresses many of these climate risks and invests in clean energy while the House version championed by hyper-partisan House Republicans largely misses the opportunity to address this existential threat to our national security.
LGBTQI+ advocates and leaders have moved us towards a more inclusive society and economy. Unfortunately, continued right-wing attacks on LGBTQI+ rights and safety jeopardize this progress as they seek to further institutionalize discrimination in the labor market, schools, and elsewhere. While the Biden administration has engaged in major efforts to protect this community, Congress must do more to help ensure LGBTQI+ equality.
Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases national and state-level data on U.S. employment, which provide useful information about the state of the labor market and progress toward building a better America. To highlight key trends in the monthly data, the Joint Economic Committee compiles state-by-state fact sheets for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The most recent state-level data, which cover the month of April, were released on June 16, 2023. The latest national data were released on June 2, 2023.
Climate change is making air quality worse around the country and across the globe, which is directly making people sicker. Within the United States, one clear and visible cause of poor air quality are the more frequent, destructive, and longer-lasting wildfires that fill the air with harmful smoke, including particulate matter.

Since the 1980s, but especially in recent decades, western states have felt the increasing negative impacts of wildfires, as they burn for longer and with more frequency. The smoke that blanketed the eastern United States this week underscores that the impacts of climate change and the fires it exacerbates will be felt nationwide.