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Los Alamos Daily Post - Heinrich Issues Statement On June Jobs Report

U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, recently issued the following statement after the Department of Labor announced 222,000 jobs were added in June:  

“Today’s jobs report underscores the risk that Republican’s TrumpCare poses for the U.S. economy. Health care, as the fastest growing sector, is an important economic driver, and TrumpCare threatens this growth. While some parts of this country have recovered and surged ahead after the financial crisis, many communities have struggled to regain their footing. 

“Instead of working to make sure every American has a fair shot at getting ahead, President Trump and Congressional Republicans have put forth a health care plan that would kick millions off their insurance and cut Medicaid in order to give the wealthiest Americans a big tax break. In addition to increasing the number of uninsured by 22 million people, the Congressional Republican’s health care plan would cost almost 2 million jobs. America needs real economic leadership, not an irresponsible and reckless agenda that would only devastate American families. 

Joint Economic Committee Democratic staff are comparing job growth each month to the average in the late 1990s (a boom time in the economy), but also to the best individual month each series has ever seen.

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