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Agri-Pulse - Democratic rural plan calls for new farm bill

Democrats on the congressional Joint Economic Committee are laying out a series of policy priorities for rural America in a new report, and they include passing a new farm bill. 

The JEC’s ranking Democrat, Sen. Martin Heinrich of New Mexico, said energy and broadband provisions in the Senate Agriculture Committee’s bipartisan farm bill are examples of what is needed to address key rural needs.

“They may not be as robust as I would push for in a vacuum. But over time, they really may be able to move the needle on these issues,” Heinrich said. 

In addition to expanding broadband, the report’s recommendations include maintaining the Essential Air Service program, investing in rural water and sewer systems, increasing spending on farm worker housing and expanding Medicaid.

Rep. Cheri Bustos of Illinois, who is a member of the House Agriculture Committee as well as the JEC, criticized President Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan for relying too heavily on private investment to fund rural infrastructure projects. 

Republicans from rural states have raised the same concerns, saying that private investors can’t get the financial return they want on rural projects. Public-private partnerships “frankly don’t work well in small towns and rural communities,” said Bustos. 

What it means: In the short term, this report could provide a boost to the Senate farm bill when it’s on the floor next week. The report also will provide a blueprint for Democratic candidates to talk to rural voters during the fall congressional campaigns.