press release for additional information.

Click to see these charts:

  1. Private Sector Job Growth Continues
  2. All Employment Growth has been Full-time Jobs
  3. Employment and Underemployment Rate have Declined Significantly from Recession Peak
  4. Declines in Short- and Long-term Unemployment
  5. Black vs. White Unemployment
  6. Hispanic Unemployment
  7. Veterans' Unemployment Rates
  8. Aging Trends Explain about 60% of Decline in Labor Force Participation Rate
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The March Jobs Report in Eight Charts

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the employment situation for March 2016 on Friday, April 1, 2016.  The economy added 195,000 private-sector jobs in February and the unemployment rate was little changed at 5.0 percent.  See the press release for additional information.

Click to see these charts:

  1. Private Sector Job Growth Continues
  2. All Employment Growth has been Full-time Jobs
  3. Employment and Underemployment Rate have Declined Significantly from Recession Peak
  4. Declines in Short- and Long-term Unemployment
  5. Black vs. White Unemployment
  6. Hispanic Unemployment
  7. Veterans' Unemployment Rates
  8. Aging Trends Explain about 60% of Decline in Labor Force Participation Rate