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Employment in Rural America is Still Below Prerecession Levels

Weekly Economic Snapshot 6/25 - 6/29

Economic Facts for This Week

  • Tax Policy Center experts conducted a preliminary analysis of the Republican tax law, concluding:
    • Any boost to the economy will be short-lived and dissipate over time;
    • Filing taxes will become more complex for many taxpayers;
    • Health care premiums will rise because of the law; and
    • Most households could end up worse off in the long run, depending on how the large increase in federal debt is paid for.
    • A new report looks at the challenges facing Latina domestic workers in the Texas-Mexico border region. Many struggle to pay their bills, including 53 percent who are unable to pay for medical care for someone in their household and 44 percent who are unable to pay rent at some point in the prior year.
    • President Trump’s proposed auto tariffs could cause 195,000 American workers to lose their jobs.

Chart of the Week             

Many rural communities continue to struggle with the aftermath of the Great Recession. Total employment in nonmetro areas is still below its prerecession level. Last week, the Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a report examining the challenges and opportunities that rural America faces. After a year and a half of Trump administration actions that have hurt rural Americans, the report proposes a policy agenda that would lead to rural economic progress. 


  • Sexual harassment is prevalent in science, engineering, and medical academic programs, affecting many women’s education and careers.
  • New research from the NY Fed pokes holes in Republicans' contention that Dodd-Frank enshrines too big to fail.
  • The movement of jobs from central cities to suburbs explains a majority of the decline in black employment from 1970 to 2000, according to new research.

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