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Senate Tax Plan Pays for Corporate Tax Cuts with Individual Tax Hikes

Weekly Economic Snapshot 11/27 - 12/1

Economic Facts for This Week

Chart of the Week             

The Senate tax cut proposal makes the GOP’s priorities clear—once the bill is fully implemented, it will raise taxes on individuals in order to make tax cuts for corporations permanent. In 2027, the bill raises taxes on the individual side of the code by $43 billion while cutting taxes on corporations by $54 billion. Because corporate equity is mostly owned by wealthy Americans, this has the effect of making the tax code more regressive—shifting the tax burden more towards working families.


  • JEC Ranking Member Martin Heinrich says if Republicans insist on deficit spending, let’s invest in people and communities instead. Read his op-ed here.
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Coming This Week

  • Tuesday 9:00am: S&P Corelogic Case-Shiller House Price Index -