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Project 2025 Would Exacerbate Climate Change, Undercut Public Education, and Make Health Care Less Affordable

Washington, D.C.—The Republican playbook Project 2025 supports policies that would undercut working families by making health care and higher education less affordable while rolling back climate protections as detailed in a report by Joint Economic Committee Democrats. 


Project 2025 lays out a bleak vision of America where the president would have unchecked power to raise prices on health care and education. The report found several disturbing policies that would hurt Americans including:

  • Ending free school meals programs for low-income children — forcing up to 20 million kids to go hungry
  • Putting lifetime limits or caps on Medicaid coverage — threatening health care coverage for 18.6 million low-income Americans
  • Gutting EPA enforcement by directing the agency to ignore effects of greenhouse gases on public health and the environment


“Republican’s Project 2025 is a radical agenda that rolls back decades of progress we’ve made toward a better future for everyone,” said Chairman Martin Heinrich. “If Republicans get their way, low-income children will go hungry, seniors will be forced to choose between life-saving medication and putting food on the table, and the planet our kids inherit will be in jeopardy. We can’t let that happen”.


Read the full report here

