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The Washington Post: Transcript: “Capehart” with Rahul Gupta, Director of White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

MR. CAPEHART: Good morning and welcome to the “Capehart” podcast and Washington Post Live. I am Jonathan Capehart, associate editor at The Washington Post.

The opioid epidemic that we were all focused on before the COVID pandemic swamped everything continued unabated during it. Today fentanyl is now driving the unprecedented number of drug overdoses in the United States. Joining me now to discuss the opioid epidemic and other issues is the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, Dr. Rahul Gupta. Dr. Gupta, thank you very much for coming to "Capehart" on Washington Post Live.

DR. GUPTA: Thank you for having me, Jonathan. I appreciate it.

MR. CAPEHART: So Dr. Gupta, the fentanyl overdoses are an evolution from the prescription pain meds epidemic from the early 2000s. Talk about that evolution, and where does fentanyl come from and what is the administration doing now to stop it coming into the country.

Read the full transcript.