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Heinrich Statement on May Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced 223,000 jobs were added in May:

“After decades of stagnant wage growth, now is the time we should be empowering workers to negotiate for higher raises and ensuring a financially secure future. Instead, the Trump administration is continuing its attack on worker rights, with their recent executive order that undermines federal collective bargaining.

“At the same time, corporations have embarked on a buyback binge since the passage of the GOP tax law, a scheme that overwhelmingly benefits executives and the wealthy. Republicans also continue to sabotage health care, driving premiums higher for working Americans.

“We must take a different approach to address the real economic issues American families continue to face. Democrats stand ready to work with our Republican colleagues to raise wages, create good-paying jobs, and provide economic security for working families.”  

President Trump promised American families that they would see a $4,000 annual raise after the tax plan; so far, average weekly wages have increased $14.39. JEC Democratic staff are holding Trump accountable on this promise and his promise to be “the greatest jobs President [ever]” on our jobs tracker here.


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