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Heinrich Statement on March Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced 103,000 jobs were added in March:

“The Trump administration and Congressional Republicans have done nothing to uphold their promise to meet the needs of struggling American families across this country. Instead, they have chosen to repeatedly threaten their economic security—Republicans have tried dismantling our health care system, stripped away key consumer protections that keep working Americans safe, and passed tax legislation that disproportionately benefits large corporations and wealthy stakeholders who are not the most in need.

“There is a way to effectively govern in order to build on the progress of the economic recovery and ensure that all families have a fair shot at getting ahead. We need a comprehensive agenda to grow wages, make high-quality and affordable education accessible to all Americans, and make sure rural economies have the resources they need to thrive and succeed. We need to pass the Dream Act so that Dreamers can contribute an additional $281 billion in economic activity over the next decade. 

“The Republican-controlled government has broken its promise to the American people through their failure to address key challenges that working families are facing today. Democrats stand ready to find bipartisan solutions to improve the economic livelihood of those who are still waiting for their chance to get ahead.”

President Trump promised American families that they would see a $4,000 annual raise after the tax plan; so far, average weekly wages have increased $6.40. JEC Democratic staff are holding Trump accountable on this promise and his promise to be “the greatest jobs President [ever]” on our jobs tracker here.


For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.