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New Video by JEC Democrats: Senate TrumpCare Would Devastate American Families

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a video today highlighting the impact the Senate version of TrumpCare would have on American families. The video features U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee and Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), Member of the Joint Economic Committee. The video also features Shelby, a woman from West Virginia who was recently featured in a New Yorker story about the opioid epidemic.

Watch the video here.

“A large part of the funding equation for states trying to confront this public health crisis [opioid epidemic] comes directly from the Medicaid program, and that is what we’re concerned about because that is what will be dismantled by this Republican Senate health care bill,” said Senator Heinrich. “The massive Medicaid cuts and the waivers for essential benefits in the Republican bill would reverse many of the gains that we have made in states over the last few years.”

 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.