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JEC Democrats: Senate TrumpCare Bill – Still Mean, Still Lacks Heart

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Joint Economic Committee Democrats today released a fact sheet on the Senate Republican health care bill that will help the wealthiest at the expense of hardworking American families while putting corporate executives back in charge of Americans’ health care. The bill reverses the progress made in expanding access to, and containing costs of, health care.

Repealing the tax provisions in the Affordable Care Act would give the wealthiest Americans a huge tax break: those making over $3.7 million would get a tax break of almost $200,000 while Republicans would take health care away from working families. The Senate TrumpCare bill will cut Medicaid—devastating children, women, seniors, and disabled Americans who rely on the program for health care treatment and services. By cutting Medicaid, the bill will also block those suffering from addiction from getting the help they need. Nationally, Medicaid pays for 24 percent of medication-assisted opioid treatment payments.

“This bill is the same as its House counterpart that will roll back crucial access to health care for millions of American families,” said Senator Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee. “My Republican colleagues have decided to slash critical Medicaid funding, endanger the progress we’ve made in combatting the opioid epidemic, and put rural economies at risk. They’ve chosen to hike up costs for working families and strip countless others of their coverage. This is not a health care bill—it’s a tax break for the wealthiest Americans at the expense of millions of families across this country. If the House bill was ‘mean,’ this is just plain cruel. ”

Click here to view the fact sheet.

 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.