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Heinrich Statement on CBO Score of TrumpCare

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, released the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office released its cost estimate of the House-passed TrumpCare bill:

“Today’s score from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirms again just how catastrophic TrumpCare could be for millions of American families. TrumpCare would strip 14 million of their health insurance next year and 23 million by 2026, all to give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. That’s reckless and inexcusable. Americans deserve far better than this disaster of a bill that would be harmful to our economy and our communities. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to scrap this bill and work with Democrats on providing quality and affordable health care to working families.”

 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.