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Still Waiting for Trump’s Plan

President Trump has promised an infrastructure overhaul in the United States, assuring Americans in his recent address to Congress that “crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our beautiful land.” Yet, now more than 50 days into his Administration, there is still no plan.

Democrats’ Blueprint to Rebuild America’s Infrastructure

The $1 trillion Democrats would invest in their Blueprint plan would add an estimated 15 million jobs to the economy. The plan would address the nation’s infrastructure by rebuilding and maintaining roads, bridges, ports, water systems, rail transit and airports. It would also make investments in 21st Century clean energy, expand access to broadband internet, modernize public schools and VA hospitals and invest in public lands and tribal infrastructure. The benefits would be broadly shared across urban and rural areas. 

The Democrats’ Vital Infrastructure Program (VIP) included in the Blueprint also provides funding for major, transformative projects that will catapult our infrastructure into the 21st Century. These projects will bring to life the bold, innovative ideas that will transform our economy and allow the United States to surpass its global competitors.

The plan creates new jobs in manufacturing and construction, sectors that pay good wages and which were hit especially hard during the Great Recession. Nearly 70 percent of jobs created from infrastructure investment are in construction, according to one analysis. These jobs pay more than the private-sector average and are governed by the Davis-Bacon Act, which ensures fair wages on federal construction contracts. 

Key Areas of Investment and Estimated Job Creation in the Democratic Blueprint

Roads and Bridges              2.7  Million New Jobs

Water & Sewer Systems           2.5 Million  New Jobs

Rail and Bus Systems          2.5 Million New Jobs

Vital Infrastructure Program      2.6 Million New Jobs

America’s Schools                    975,000 New Jobs

Ports, Airports and Waterways       845,000 New Jobs

Energy Infrastructure           1.3 Million New Jobs

Broadband                                       260,000 New Jobs


Public/Tribal Lands                  260,000 New Jobs

VA Hospitals                                  130,000 New Jobs

New Infrastructure Finance 1.3 Million New Jobs