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New Joint Economic Committee Democrats Report: Trump Budget Puts America Last

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ranking Member Martin Heinrich (D-NM) announced today Joint Economic Committee Democrats’ response to President Trump’s budget proposal. The so-called “America First” budget actually puts millions of Americans last by calling for a $54 billion cut non-defense discretionary agencies and programs which are vital to securing an economic future that works for all Americans.

The report, “America Last: President Trump Abandons Tomorrow’s Economy,” details why cutting or eliminating critical investments in infrastructure, science, rural and urban community development, clean air and water, and the health and education of American families eliminates investments that bolster U.S. competitiveness and create the good jobs of the future.

“President Trump’s proposal irresponsibly robs $54 billion from vital job-creating programs Americans rely on every day,” said Senator Heinrich. “Just this week the White House called for an additional $18 billion in cuts for this year’s budget. These cuts pose tangible consequences for older Americans, children, business owners, and working families whose lives are made better because of federal agencies and programs. Budgets should reflect our core values and principles. Unfortunately, President Trump’s budget proposal does not meet that test. As Congress begins to craft its own budget, we must work to prioritize funding for the key programs that impact the lives of Americans across the nation.”

The full response to the President’s budget can be found here.


 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.