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New From Joint Economic Committee Democrats: Trump’s Vacations since January 2017 Could Have Paid for Child Care for 2,338 kids in Mississippi

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Joint Economic Committee Democrats announced the release of new monthly state economic snapshots that track state economic performance, families’ economic security, how well states are preparing for the economic future with investments in people’s health and learning, and the costs of living that weigh on working families’ minds.

The snapshots survey the economic situation on the ground in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The report finds that taxpayer money spent on Donald Trump’s vacations since January 2017 could have paid for child care for 2,338 kids in Mississippi (with the lowest child-care costs) or 521 kids in the District of Columbia (with the highest child-care costs). Instead of paying for President Trump’s vacations, taxpayers could have sent 3,140 students to college in Wyoming (with the lowest in-state tuition) or 815 students to college in New Hampshire (with the highest in-state tuition) this year.

Each month, the snapshots also assess President Trump’s pledge to be “The greatest jobs producer that God ever created,” comparing actual job creation, unemployment, and wage growth under President Trump against performance in the late 1990s boom and each state’s all-time best. In President Trump’s first full month on the job, wages adjusted for inflation declined in 20 states relative to the previous year.  In another 17 states, wage growth was positive but only 1 percent or less. While overall U.S. job growth in February continued the 77-month streak of gains that began under President Obama, job growth stalled in 22 states where job growth amounted to between 0 and 0.2 percent. Additionally, seven states and the District of Columbia posted job losses in February.

Your state’s fact sheet can be found here.


 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.