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Heinrich Statement on Senate Passage of Republican Budget Resolution

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement tonight following Senate passage of the Republican budget resolution:

“I am deeply disappointed that Republicans voted for a budget that slashes Medicaid and Medicare, and cuts critical services that invest directly in our communities. This budget ignores our current reality and makes it tougher for American families to afford a college education or access quality health care coverage. Republicans have now taken the first step toward issuing massive tax breaks to special interests and wealthy individuals, while leaving working families, rural communities, and others to suffer. What is even more outrageous is that Republicans have changed budget rules to allow them to add $1.5 trillion to the deficit while doing it.

“Republicans are pursuing the same partisan process with the budget and tax reform that failed when they tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The cost of Republican chaos and backward thinking is growing by the day and this budget will continue that process. We need bipartisan, pragmatic solutions to address the challenges facing this country.”  


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