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Maloney Hails President's Forward-Thinking 2017 Budget

WASHINGTON – Joint Economic Committee Ranking Member Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.) issued the following statement Tuesday on the President’s Fiscal Year 2017 budget proposal:

“The President has delivered a 2017 budget that embodies the best of what America can be. The plan puts the middle class first with investments that ensure everyone has a chance at economic opportunity and security.

“It proposes wise and targeted spending on education - from high-quality early education to additional aid for STEM programs and college students. It invests in young people looking for work and older workers who need re-training to remain employable in a fast-changing economy. And it makes strong commitments to infrastructure and research that will help create jobs and spur innovation.

“Unfortunately, Congressional Republicans refuse to call Office of Management and Budget chief Shaun Donovan before a public hearing, denying the right of all Americans to a full airing of what the President has proposed. Let’s hope Republicans are willing to work in a more bipartisan manner as negotiations get underway.”
