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Maloney Says Equal Pay is a Family Issue

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.), Ranking Democrat on the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement in recognition of Equal Pay Day:

“The participation of women in the economy has grown enormously since the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was enacted, but a lingering pay gap continues to impact the contribution women can make to their families’ economic well being.

“Half of all jobs are now held by women and two-thirds of all families rely on women’s salaries to make ends meet. The gender wage gap, it turns out, is not just a women's issue — it's a family issue, affecting the well-being of every family member well into the future.

“At the rate we’re going, the gap between men’s and women’s wages won’t close until 2058. It’s time to pick up the pace.”