The JEC Democrats have compiled reports, fact sheets and charts to explain the story:

Read Ranking Member Maloney's statement at the JEC-CBC public forum in New York City here.
Read the joint op-ed by Reps. Maloney, Butterfield and Rangel here.
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The American Dream on Hold

Working in cooperation with the Congressional Black Caucus, the Democratic staff of the Joint Economic Committee examined the economic challenges facing the African American community today.

We looked at the national picture.  And we have looked at what’s happening in our major cities .

The information should come as a wake-up call to the many people in America who are insulated from some of the grave economic problems African Americans face.

The JEC Democrats have compiled reports, fact sheets and charts to explain the story:

Read Ranking Member Maloney's statement at the JEC-CBC public forum in New York City here.
Read the joint op-ed by Reps. Maloney, Butterfield and Rangel here.