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Unemployment Terminology, Measurement, and Analysis (87th Congress)
Trade Adjustment in Theory and Practice (87th Congress)
The Task for 1962 - A Free World Community.pdf (87th Congress)
The European Economic Community and the United States (87th Congress)
Japan in United States Foreign Economic Policy (87th Congress)
U.S. Payments Policies Consistent With Domestic Objectives of Maximum Employment and Growth (87th Congress)
United States Commercial Policy (87th Congress)
The Role of Inventory Changes During Expansion and Contraction (87th Congress)
Government Price Statistics - Report (87th Congress)
The Federal Revenue System - Facts and Problems 1961 (87th Congress)
Review of Report of the Commission on Money and Credit (87th Congress)
The Federal Budget as an Economic Document (87th Congress)
Government Price Statistics - Part 1 (87th Congress)
Economic Policies and Programs in South America (87th Congress)
Higher Unemployment Rates, 1957-60 - Structural Transformation or Inadequate Demand (87th Congress)
Economic Developments in South America (87th Congress)
The Political Stakes in East-West Trade - Supplementary Study Papers (87th Congress)
Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power (87th Congress)
January 1961 Economic Report of the President and the Economic Situation and Outlook (87th Congress)
Inventory Fluctuations, Price Level Changes, and the Economic Growth (87th Congress)
Outlook for the United States Balance of Payments (87th Congress)
1962 Supplement to Economic Indicators - Historical and Descriptive Background (87th Congress)
International Payments Imbalances (87th Congress)
Trade Restraints in the Western Community (87th Congress)
Employment and Unemployment - Report (87th Congress)