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Discriminatory Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments Part 1 (88th Congress)
January 1964 Economic Report of the President Part 2 (88th Congress)
Probable Effects of the Proposed Quality Stabilization Act on Prices, Incomes, Employment, and Production (88th Congress)
A Description and Analysis of Certain European Capital Markets (88th Congress)
Discriminatory Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments Part 4 (88th Congress)
Background Material on Economic Aspects of Military Procurement and Supply 1964 (88th Congress)
Private Investment in Latin America (88th Congress)
Economic Impact of Federal Supply and Service Activities (88th Congress)
Comparative Features of Central Banks in Selected Foreign Countries (88th Congress)
Private Trade Barriers and the Atlantic Community (88th Congress)
Annual Economic Indicators for the USSR (88th Congress)
Economic Policies and Program in Middle America (88th Congress)
The Federal Tax System - Facts and Problems 1964 (88th Congress)
January 1963 Economic Report of the President Part 1 (88th Congress)
The Federal Budget as an Economic Document (88th Congress)
The United States Balance of Payments - Perspectives and Policies (88th Congress)
Steel Prices, United Costs, Profits, and Foreign Competition (88th Congress)
Background Material on Economic Aspects of Military Procurement and Supply (88th Congress)
The United States Balance of Payments Report (88th Congress)
Discriminatory Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments Part 5 (88th Congress)
Discriminatory Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments Part 2 (88th Congress)
The United States Balance of Payments - Outlook for the United States Balance of Payments (88th Congress)
Impact of Military Supply and Service Activities on the Economy (88th Congress)
Measuring the Nation's Wealth (88th Congress)
The United States Balance of Payments - Statements (88th Congress)