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January 1965 Economic Report of the President Part 4 (89th Congress)
Automation and Technology in Education (89th Congress)
Economic Impact of Federal Procurement (89th Congress)
Off Dead Center - Some Proposals to Strengthen Free World Economic Cooperation (89th Congress)
Twentieth Anniversary of the Employment Act of 1946 - An Economic Symposium (89th Congress)
Background Material on Economic Impact of Federal Procurement 1966 (89th Congress)
Economic Impact of Federal Procurement Report (89th Congress)
January 1965 Economic Report of the President Part 2.pdf (89th Congress)
Recent Federal Reserve Action and Economic Policy Coordination Part 1 (89th Congress)
Subsidy and Subsidy-Effect Programs of the U.S. Government (89th Congress)
Foreign Government Restraints on United States Bank Operations Abroad (89th Congress)
New Directions in the Soviet Economy Part IIB (89th Congress)
Improved Statistics for Economic Growth (89th Congress)
Government Price Statistics Report (89th Congress)
January 1965 Economic Part of the President Part 3 (89th Congress)
Tax Changes for Shortrun Stabilization Report (89th Congress)
The Balance of Payments Statistics Part 3 (89th Congress)
Guidelines for Improving the International Monetary System (89th Congress)
Guidelines for International Monetary Reform Part 2 (89th Congress)
State and Local Public Facility Needs and Financing - Public Facility Needs (89th Congress)
Discriminatory Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments Part 3 (89th Congress)
Job Vacancy Statistics (89th Congress)
Job Vacancy Statistics Report (89th Congress)
Technology in Education (89th Congress)
January 1966 Economic Report of the President Part 1 (89th Congress)