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Discriminatory Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments (89th Congress)
The Balance of Payments Statistics Part 1 (89th Congress)
Private Pension Plans Part 1 (89th Congress)
New Directions in the Soviet Economy Part III (89th Congress)
New Directions in the Soviet Economy Part IIA (89th Congress)
Discriminatory Ocean Freight Rates and the Balance of Payments Part 1 (89th Congress)
Recent Federal Reserve Action and Economic Policy Coordination Part 2 (89th Congress)
Fiscal Policy Issues of the Coming Decade (89th Congress)
Programs for Relocating Workers Used by Governments of Selected Countries (89th Congress)
Guidelines for International Monetary Reform (89th Congress)
The Balance of Payments Statistics Part 2 (89th Congress)
The Impact of Government-Generated Cargo on the US-Flag Foreign Trade Fleet for Calendar Year 1964 (89th Congress)
Productivity, Prices, and Incomes (89th Congress)
The Federal Reserve Portfolio - Statements by Individual Economists (89th Congress)
Federal Programs for the Development of Human Resources Volume 2 (89th Congress)
State and Local Public Facility - Public Facility Financing (89th Congress)
Tax Changes for Shortrun Stabilization (89th Congress)
Private Pension Plans Part 2 (89th Congress)
Employment Act of 1946, As Amended, With Related Laws and Rules of the Joint Economic Committee (89th Congress)
Old Age Income Assurance (89th Congress)
Twenty Years After - An Appeal for the Renewal of International Economic Cooperation on a Grand Scale (89th Congress)
Current Economic Indicators for the USSR (89th Congress)
Background Material on Economic Impact of Federal Procurement 1965 (89th Congress)
January 1966 Economic Report of the President Part 2 (89th Congress)
Fiscal Policy Issues of the Coming Decade Statements by Individual Economists and Representatives of Interested Organizations (89th Congress)