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Federal Transportation Policy - The SST Again (92nd Congress)
Problems in Administration of Public Welfare Programs Part II (92nd Congress)
The 1972 Economic Report of the President Part V (92nd Congress)
Housing Development and Urban Planning - The Policies and Programs of Four Countries (91st Congress)
The Military Budget and National Economic Priorities Part I (91st Congress)
Economy in Government Property Management - Procurement of Data Processing Equipment (91st Congress)
A Review of Balance of Payments Policies (91st Congress)
The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures - The PPB System Volume III (91st Congress)
The 1969 Economic Report of the President Part I (91st Congress)
Air Force A-7D Brake Problem (91st Congress)
Economic Analysis and the Efficiency of Government Part II (91st Congress)
The Economy, Energy, and the Environment (91st Congress)
The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures - The PPB System Volume II (91st Congress)
The Military Budget and National Economic Priorities Part III (91st Congress)
The Federal Criminal Justice System (91st Congress)
Industrialized Housing Part II (91st Congress)
Economic Developments in Countries of Eastern Europe (91st Congress)
The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures - The PPB System Volume I (91st Congress)
Economic Policies and Practices Paper No. 12 (91st Congress)
Industrial Housing (91st Congress)
The 1969 Economic Report of the President Part II (91st Congress)
A Foreign Economic Policy for the 1970s Part VI (91st Congress)
A Foreign Economic Policy for the 1970s Part I (91st Congress)
The 1969 Economic Report of the President Part IV (91st Congress)
Regional Planning Issues Part I (91st Congress)