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Price Wage Control - An Interim Report (92nd Congress)
Studies in Public Welfare Paper No. 4 (92nd Congress)
Price and Wage Control - Evaluation of a Years Experience (92nd Congress)
Economic Prospects and Policies - Part I (92nd Congress)
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Federal Programs (92nd Congress)
Report on Crude Oil and Gasoline Price Increase of November 1970 (92nd Congress)
Open-Ended Federal Matching of State Social Service Expenditure Authorized Under the Public Assistance Titles of the Social Security Act (92nd Congress)
Phase II of the President's New Economic Program (92nd Congress)
The Economics of Recycling Waste Materials (92nd Congress)
The Economics of National Priorities Part I (92nd Congress)
The Economics of Federal Subsidy Programs (92nd Congress)
Economic Developments in Mainland China (92nd Congress)
The Economics of Federal Subsidy Programs Part V (92nd Congress)
American Productivity - Key to Economic Strength and National Survival (92nd Congress)
The Inflation Process in the United States (92nd Congress)
Studies in Public Welfare Paper No. 5 (92nd Congress)
Current Labor Market Developments Part IV (92nd Congress)
The Economics of Federal Subsidy Programs Part I (92nd Congress)
The 1972 Economic Report of the President Part II (92nd Congress)
Observations on East-West Economic Relations - USSR and Poland (92nd Congress)
The 1971 Midyear Review of the Economy (92nd Congress)
February 1971 Economic Report of the President Part I (92nd Congress)
A Foreign Policy for the 1970s Part VII (92nd Congress)
People's Republic of China - An Economic Assessment (92nd Congress)
Studies in Public Welfare Paper No. 5 (92nd Congress)