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Oil and the Economy - The Impact of Rising Global Demand on the US Recovery (111th Congress)
Fueling Local Economies - Research, Innovation, and Jobs (111th Congress)
Promoting a Clean Energy Economy (111th Congress)
Long-Term Unemployment - Causes, Consequences, and Solutions (111th Congress)
Unregulated Markets - How Regulatory Reform Will Shine a Light in the Financial Sector (111th Congress)
The Employment Situation - June 2010 (111th Congress)
The Employment Situation - April 2008 (110th Congress)
How Are High Food Prices Impacting American Families (110th Congress)
Fight Now, Pay Later - The Future Costs of Funding the Iraq War (110th Congress)
What Should the Federal Government Do To Avoid a Recession (110th Congress)
Meeting the Challenge of Income Instability (110th Congress)
The Employment Situation - May 2008 (110th Congress)
Leave No Family Behind - How Can We Reduce the Rising Number of American Families Living in Poverty (110th Congress)
Are the Explosive Costs of Elder Care Hurting Family Finances and Business Competition (110th Congress)
The Employment Situation - February 2008 (110th Congress)
Is Market Concentration in the Petroleum Industry Harming Consumers (110th Congress)
Small Market Drugs, Big Price Tags - Are Drug Companies Exploiting People with Rare Diseases (110th Congress)
The Employment Situation - March 2008 (110th Congress)
A Local Look at the National Foreclosure Crisis - Cleveland Families, Neighborhoods, Economy Under Siege from the Subprime Mortgage Fallout (110th Congress)
Ensuring Our Economic Future by Promoting Middle-Class Prosperity (110th Congress)
The Employment Situation - July 2008 (110th Congress)
Efficiency - The Hidden Secret to Solving Our Energy Crisis (110th Congress)
The Employment Situation - September 2008 (110th Congress)
Addressing the Problem of African-American Male Unemployment (110th Congress)
The Employment Situation - January 2008 (110th Congress)