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Forecasts of Long-Run Economic Growth (94th Congress)
US Economic Growth from 1976 to 1986 Volume I (94th Congress)
The Project Approach in New England (94th Congress)
The Current Fiscal Position of State and Local Governments (94th Congress)
The Equal Opportunity Program for Federal Nonconstruction Contractors Can Be Improved (94th Congress)
A Review and Update of the Cost-Benefits Analysis for the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (94th Congress)
The Effect of Inflation on Federal Expenditures (94th Congress)
The Economic Impact of Forthcoming OPEC Price Rise and Old Oil Decontrol (94th Congress)
Broadening the Ownership of New Capital - ESOPs and Other Alternatives (94th Congress)
Midyear and Long-Term Budget Projections (94th Congress)
Impact of New York City's Economic Crisis on the National Economy (94th Congress)
The 1975 Midyear Review of the Economy (94th Congress)
Employee Stock Ownership Plans Part II (94th Congress)
Monetary Policy and Economic Outlook (94th Congress)
The Agricultural Situation (94th Congress)
The 1975 Economic Report of the President Part 1 (94th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 4 (94th Congress)
The Internatinoal Monetary Situation and the Administration Oil Floor Price Proposal (94th Congress)
Studies in Price Stability and Economic Growth Paper No. 1 (94th Congress)
General Revenue Sharing Program (94th Congress)
The Unemployment Problem (94th Congress)
Energy Conservation (94th Congress)
Credit Flows and Interest Costs (94th Congress)
Capital Formation (94th Congress)
US Economic Relations With Latin America (94th Congress)