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The Economic Situation (94th Congress)
Adequacy of U.S. Oil and Gas Reserves (94th Congress)
Welfare Alternatives (94th Congress)
Fast Breeder Reactor Program (94th Congress)
Public Service Employment Programs Financed Under CETA (94th Congress)
Abuses of Corporate Power (94th Congress)
The State Department's Oil Floor Price Proposal - Should Congress Endorse It (94th Congress)
Market Power, the Federal Trade Commission, and Inflation (94th Congress)
Long-Range Economic Growth (94th Congress)
Pollsters Report on American Consumers and Businessmen Part 1 (94th Congress)
Regional Economic Problems and National Economic Policy (94th Congress)
The Role of Small Business in the Economy - Tax and Financial Problems (94th Congress)
Canadian Foreign Investment Screening Procedures and the Role of Foreign Investment in the Canadian Economy (94th Congress)
Current Services Budget (94th Congress)
Changing Conditions in the Market for State and Local Government Debt (94th Congress)
Technology, Economic Growth, and International Competitiveness (94th Congress)
Jobs and Prices in Chicago (94th Congress)
Resources and Energy (94th Congress)
Capital (94th Congress)
The Economic Impact of Alternative Fiscal Policies (94th Congress)
Estimating Potential Output for the US Economy in a Model Framework (94th Congress)
China - A Reassessment of the Economy (94th Congress)
Exchange Rate Policy and International Monetary Reform (94th Congress)
Priorities and Efficiency in Federal Research and Development (94th Congress)
Defense Procurement in Relationships Between Government and its Contractors (94th Congress)