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Employment-Unemployment Part 6 (94th Congress)
Toward a National Growth Policy - Federal and State Developments in 1974 (94th Congress)
Financial Aspects of the Budget Deficit (94th Congress)
U.S. Foreign Energy Policy (94th Congress)
The Economics of Solar Home Heating (94th Congress)
A Congressional Conference on A Full Employment Policy - An Examination of Its Implication (94th Congress)
Employee Stock Ownership Plans Part I (94th Congress)
New York City's Economic Crisis (94th Congress)
Estimating the Social Costs of National Economic Policy. Implications for Mental and Physical Health and Criminal Aggression (94th Congress)
Housing Outlook for 1975 (94th Congress)
New York City's Financial Crisis (94th Congress)
The Equal Employment Opportunity Program for Federal Nonconstruction Contractors Can Be Improved (94th Congress)
International Monetary Reform and Exchange Rate Management (94th Congress)
Minnesota's Energy Outlook (94th Congress)
Oil Profits, Price and Capital Requirements (94th Congress)
Price Markups During Postwar Recessions (94th Congress)
The 1976 Economic Report of the President Part Part IV (94th Congress)
National Economic Planning, Balanced Growth, and Full Employment (94th Congress)
The 1976 Economic Report of the President Part I (94th Congress)
The President's Proposed Tax Cut and Budget Ceiling (94th Congress)
Impact of Federal Estate and Gift Taxes on Small Businessmen and Farmers (94th Congress)
Labor-Market Policies for Full Employment (94th Congress)
The 1975 Economic Report of the President Part IV (94th Congress)
An Economic Evaluation of the Current Services Budget, Fiscal Year 1977 (94th Congress)
Employment Problems of Women, Minorities, and Youth (94th Congress)