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The 1978 Midyear Review of the Economy Part II (95th Congress)
American Women Workers in a Full Employment Economy (95th Congress)
Wage and Price Control (95th Congress)
Conference on Measuring Progress in Participation by Minority and Female Contractors (95th Congress)
The Program for Better Jobs and Income - A Guide and a Critique (95th Congress)
Economics of Defense Procurement Shipbuilding Claims Part I (95th Congress)
Toward a National Growth Policy - Federal and State Developments in 1975 (95th Congress)
Recent Developments in French Planning (95th Congress)
The Costs of Government Regulation of Business (95th Congress)
The Quality of Economic Growth (95th Congress)
The 1977 Economic Report of the President Part IV (95th Congress)
The Profit and Price Performance of Leading Food Chains (95th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 8 (94th Congress)
Current Services Budget (94th Congress)
Jobs and Prices in the West Coast Region (94th Congress)
Long-Term Economic Growth (94th Congress)
Economic Planning in Five Western European Countries - An Overview (94th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 5 (94th Congress)
The Proposed IMF Agreement on Gold (94th Congress)
National Economic Planning, Balanced Growth, and Full Employment Part II (94th Congress)
Employment Tax Credits as a Fiscal Policy Tool (94th Congress)
The 1975 Economic Report of the President Part III (94th Congress)
Review of Economic Situation (94th Congress)
Capital Formation on Alternative View (94th Congress)
Reappraisal of Project Independence Blueprint (94th Congress)