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Assessment of Public Opinion and Public Expectations Concerning the Government and the Economy (95th Congress)
The Role of Federal Tax Policy in Stimulating Capital Formation and Economic Growth (95th Congress)
Economics of Defense Procurement Shipbuilding Claims Part II (95th Congress)
Structural Unemployment and Urban Policy (95th Congress)
Public Hearings Before the National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics Volume II (95th Congress)
Small Business Economic Policy and Advocacy Reorganization Act of 1977 (95th Congress)
The 1977 Midyear Review of the Economy (95th Congress)
Chinese Economy Post-Mao Volume I (95th Congress)
The Macroeconomic Goals of the Administration for 1981 (95th Congress)
The United States Response to the New International Economic Order (95th Congress)
Special Study on Economic Change Part II (95th Congress)
Recent Experiences with National Planning in the United Kingdom (95th Congress)
Special Study on Economic Change (95th Congress)
National Railroad Policy - Which Way is Up Part II (95th Congress)
Economic Stabilization Policies - The Historical Record 1962-76 (95th Congress)
Mexico's Oil and Gas Policy Analysis (95th Congress)
A Comparison of Econometric Models (95th Congress)
The Trade Deficit - How Much of a Problem (95th Congress)
National Railroad Policy - Which Way is Up Part I (95th Congress)
Work, Welfare, and the Program for Better Jobs and Income (95th Congress)
Special Study on Economic Change Part I (95th Congress)
The Economics of the President's Proposed Energy Policies (95th Congress)
Issues in North-South Dialog (95th Congress)
Youth and Minority Unemployment (95th Congress)
Economic Growth in the Internatinoal Context (95th Congress)