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Some Questions and Brief Answers About the Eurodollar Market (95th Congress)
Financing Municipal Needs (95th Congress)
The Role of Women in the Military (95th Congress)
The 1978 Economic Report of the President Part I (95th Congress)
Energy Independence or Interdependence - The Agenda with OPEC (95th Congress)
Western Perceptions of Soviet Economic Trends (95th Congress)
US Long-Term Economic Growth Prospects - Entering a New Era (95th Congress)
Living with the Trade Deficit (95th Congress)
The Economics of the Natural Gas Controversy (95th Congress)
Special Study on Economic Change Part III (95th Congress)
Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China - 1978 Part IV (95th Congress)
Exports - Time for a National Policy (95th Congress)
The Cost of Government Regulation (95th Congress)
Issues at the Summit (95th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 12 (95th Congress)
American Women Workers in a Full Employment Economy (95th Congress)
Anticipating Disruptive Imports (95th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 9 (95th Congress)
The 1978 Midyear Review of the Economy Part I (95th Congress)
The Dollar Rescue Operations and Their Domestic Implications (95th Congress)
Technological Change (95th Congress)
The 1977 Economic Report of the President Part II (95th Congress)
Five-Year Budget Projectiosn - Fiscal Years 1979-83 (95th Congress)
Foundations for a Natural Policy to Preserve Private Enterprise in the 1980s (95th Congress)
The 1977 Economic Report of the President Part I (95th Congress)