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Trends in the Fiscal Conditions of Cities - 1978-80 (96th Congress)
Regulatory Budgeting and the Need for Cost-Effectiveness in the Regulatory Process (96th Congress)
The 1980 Economic Report of the President, Part I (96th Congress)
The Business Cycle and Public Policy, 1929-80 (96th Congress)
Export Policy Role of Trade Reorganization (96th Congress)
An Inquiry Into Conflicting and Duplicative Regulatory Requirements Affecting Selected Industries and Sectors (96th Congress)
Farm and Forest Produced Alcohol - The Key to Liquid Fuel Independence (96th Congress)
Midyear Review of the Economy - the Outlook for 1979 (96th Congress)
The Social Costs of Unemployment (96th Congress)
The European Monetary System - Problems and Prospects (96th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 17 (96th Congress)
Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China - 1980 Part VI (96th Congress)
A Strategy of Oil Proliferation (96th Congress)
Monitoring Inflation Part II (96th Congress)
The International Economy - US Role in a World Market (96th Congress)
Economic Impact of Oil Decontrol (96th Congress)
Employment-Unemployment Part 10 (95th Congress)
Economic Problems of Rural America (95th Congress)
Local Distress State Surpluses.pdf (95th Congress)
The 1978 Midyear Review of the Economy Part III (95th Congress)
Public Hearings Before the National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics Volume III (95th Congress)
The Program for Better Jobs and Income - An Analysis of Costs and Distributional Efffects (95th Congress)
Review of the Economy October 1978 (95th Congress)
Creating Jobs Through Energy Policy (95th Congress)
Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China 1977 (95th Congress)